The Focus integrated SIS solution puts scheduling, attendance, gradebook and grade reporting, state reporting, and student and parent portal access into one solution – improving efficiency by eliminating the need to sync different systems.
K-12 SIS
State Reporting
The Focus solution provides tools that allow for continual data checking and school-based ownership; they are a fundamental component to our SIS and encourage a culture where quality data is expected and strived for daily.
- Validation rules built right into the interface at point-of-entry
- Verification Summary Reports provide oversight to meet submission deadlines
- Drill-down through errors to make corrections
- Ready to upload, compliant extracts
Focus is committed to providing the best solution for managing and reporting data in every state we do business.

Arizona State Reporting Includes:
- AzEDS Compliant (Arizona Education Data Standards)
- Focus AzEDS REST API Submissions
- Focus Ed-Fi Compliant
California State Reporting Includes:
- CALPADS Fall 1 Extracts
- CALPADS Fall 2 Extracts
- CALPADS EOY Extracts
- Generate Locator Extracts
- Import Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs)
- Physical Fitness Test Extract
- CASAS Extracts
- Extracts & Reports for Perkins E1, Perkins E2
Florida State Reporting Includes:
- FES Surveys
- All WDIS State Reports
- DOE Verification Reports
- FTE Detail Reports
- FTE Summary Reports
- Demographic
- Federal State Indicator
- Bus Roster for Transportation Verification
- Prior School
- Teacher Course
- Student Course
- English Language Learner
- Exceptional Student
- Assessment
- Discipline/Referral
- Attendance Verification
- FCAT Pre-ID Files
- EOC Pre-ID Files
- Learn Fare Student Lists
- DMV Student Lists
- Missing Children
- Class Size Report
Massachusetts State Reporting Includes:
- All SIMS, EPIMS, SCS, SSDR Extracts
- MSR (Multiple Student Registrations)
- SSID & MEPIDS Processing
- SIF Certified
*MA DESE SIF Certification in Progress
Maryland State Reporting Includes:
- Discipline Extract
- September Attendance Extract
- Early Attendance Extract
- EOY Attendance Extract
- MCC Extract
- SCGT Extract
- USIS Extract
- KRA Extract
- ELA Extract,
- Enrollment Discrepancies
New Hampshire State Reporting Includes:
- All K-12 I4See Collections
- I4See ID Process
- I4See Verification Reports
- I4See Exports
- BOY, CATE Student Course, EOY Academic Performance
- EOY Enrollment, Free and Reduced Lunch, NH Label Request,
- SASID Request, Security File, State Scholar
- Student Course and Submission Course
- State and Federal Reports
- End of Year Reports
- Fall Enrollment Reports
- Dropout and Graduates Report
- NH Educator Information
- I4See Summary and Detail Reports
New Jersey State Reporting Includes:
- All NJ SMART Extract Domains (Student, Staff, Course, Special Education, CTE)
- NJ SLA (Student Learning Assessments) for State Assessment Registration Submission
- SR PNP Assessments
- SIDS/SMID Processing
- ASSA (Application for State School Aid)
- HS Graduation Rate
- Performance Reports Submission
Pennsylvania State Reporting Includes:
- All PIMS Collection Extract Domains (Student, Staff, Course, Test, Special Education, CTE, School, District)
- PIMS Safe Schools
- PVASS Processing
- PAsecureID Processing
- Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT)
- Charter School Invoicing
- Charter School Individual Reconciliation Report
- Charter School Summary Reconciliation Report
- Charter School PDE-4065
- PIMS Verification District Usage
- PIMS Verification Reports
- Enrollment Discrepancies
- PA Graduation Pathways (act 158)
- Safe-2-Say Something
- Civil Rights Data Collection
- USDE ESSER Data Collection Report – PDE
- SHARRS (School Health Reimbursement Request) Report
- School Immunization Law Report
- Immunization Certificate & Compliance
Texas State Reporting Includes:
- All K-12 PEIMS Collections
- PEIMS ID Process
- PEIMS Verification Reports
- TREx
- TSDS Pre-ID Process
- TEA Summary and Detail Reports
- Pre-Code Verification Reports
- PET (PID enrollment tracking)
- Immunizations Verification
Utah State Reporting Includes:
- UTRex SIF Compliant
- UTRex eTranscripts
- UTRex Clearinghouse
Compliance in Development
Missouri State Reporting Includes
- Core Data / MOSIS
- eScholar ID Management
- A+ Reporting
Louisiana State Reporting – In Progress
- EdLink 360
- eScholar ID Management
- Home Tracking System (HTS)
- Graduation Pathways
EMIS Compliant